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An original card game of mythical battle. This 84 card deck is a self-contained game for 2-5 players. There are 67 unique illustrations (all done by me, the illustrator/game creator).


It's a straightforward battle game. Highest card wins the hand. But there are so, so many ways to pull the rug out of someone and change the hand in your favor (and for someone to do that to you).


Ages 10+. 2-5 players. EMFH or Teams.


For more info on the game, go to


Or for the full game rules/manual, head over to


Domestic shipping (US) is $7.




Dealer deals out 8 Fighter Cards and 4 Tyche Cards to each player. A "World Card" (which gives a location that boosts one of the 4 suits) is randomly chosen and laid at the center. Each player then plays clockwise from the Dealer, laying down a Fighter Card to either win the hand or escape with the least damage incurred.


Tyche Cards alter the landscape in your favor. They can change the World Card at the center (Worlds Away), hide your card (Deception), boost your Fighter's power (Ambrosia), etc. Each player has the option to play a Tyche card (max of 2) prior to playing their Fighter. Fighters also have abilities (written at the bottom of the card) that can unexpectantly turn the tide against more powerful cards (e.g. Diomedes will always steal the victory from Ares).


At the end of the hand, the winner takes the Fighter Cards of the other players and a new hand begins, and the player who goes first rotates to the next clockwise.


At the end, all cards that have been won are worth points. Points are tallied and a winner declared.


Panomachea - Battle with Gods, Heroes & Monsters

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